Youth Alive

This ministry is specifically focused on catering for the total well being of a Christian youth and raising people with a difference, people of attractions, honour, spiritual depth, insight, people of envy and schooling them into exploits so as to blaze the trail and set the pace in their chosen endeavours. The youths in the Winners’ Camp are unique in every way!
This ministry is specifically focused on catering for the total well being of a Christian youth and raising people with a difference, people of attractions, honour, spiritual depth, insight, people of envy and schooling them into exploits so as to blaze the trail and set the pace in their chosen endeavours. The youths in the Winners’ Camp are unique in every way!

Inspiring a generation of exceptional leaders, equipped with faith, wisdom, and excellence to make an impact in their chosen paths.

Empowered Youth Ministry

Our Youth/Young Adults and Singles ministry at Winners’ Chapel International, Edmonton is designed in a unique way to enhance the value of every individual and set them up for supernatural accomplishments. The Singles are made up of singles, which have never been married, single mothers, the widowed and the divorced.

Building Giants for a Purposeful Future

The programming of the youth/young adults and singles is directed at their specific needs, touching on areas like destiny, relationships and marriage, finance, seminars, workshops, monthly prayer meetings, variety shows and many other relevant areas. The Word of God is the foundation for all we do with the goal of ministering to all. We believe that when the youths/young adults and singles are spiritually buoyant, they’ll be agents of change for this generation. Therefore, you need to be a part of this army of Giants.

Empowering Programs for Youth and Young Adults

The details below expose some of the set programs in our calendar. However, additional programs will usually be announced from time to time for your edification. Please take full advantage of them and your life will never be the same!

  • The CONGRESS – Monthly open forum for discussing various issues that affect the youth/young adult
  • Birthday Celebration (Monthly)
  • Valentines Dinner (Yearly)
  • Easter Youth Conference (Yearly)
  • Youth Alive Convention (Yearly)
  • Summer Sports (Yearly)
  • Movie Nite (Yearly)

Join the Mission

Thank you for your interest to join one of our amazing teams. Please fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you with your next step.

Giving (Donation)

Thank you for visiting the Online Giving page of Winners' Chapel International Edmonton, Canada. This secure platform allows you to make online payments for your offerings, tithes, and special contributions to the Kingdom of God. We believe that as you sow your seed, the Lord will multiply it back to you a thousandfold.

Browse heartfelt testimonies from our local brethren. A collection of these uplifting stories is available for viewing and download on our Download Page.

I’m sharing this testimony to the glory of God and to the shame of the devil. God is indeed too Faithful to fail.

A few months ago, precisely, July 24, 2021, our miracle baby was born after thirteen years of waiting. When we had the baby, the doctor said that everything about the baby is fine, but there was a hole in her heart and that she will go through surgery after six months, we rejected the report because we knew she is a perfect gift from God. We continued to believe and declare the word of God upon her. I and my husband engaged fervently in kingdom advancement prayer, administering communion, the anointing oil, and placing the mantle on her chest. She had her last appointment with the heart doctor last Thursday when she was to be confirmed for the heart surgery since she is about 6 months. We went to the clinic with the word of God from the Resident Pastor that we will have it the way we wanted it.

To the Glory of God, the doctor checked and checked but couldn’t find the hole in her heart. The great physician had performed a divine surgery on her. the doctor confirmed that the hole in her heart had closed to the glory of God. God gave her a brand new heart. I give God all the glory. What God cannot fix does not exist. To God alone be all the Glory! ~ R. O. WCIE

I want to thank God for His mercy and protection over my life. I relocated to Canada in 2016 as a student. I studied for 3 years from 2016 to 2019 to obtain a Master of Information Systems Assurance Management and won the Governor-General of Canada Gold Academic Award. I praise His name for this achievement. After my graduation, everything was locked due to covid and no work.

But I turned to God Almighty and prayed that God should break all protocols for my sake. My God switched into action. I got a well-paying job with the government and within 8 months I got my permanent residence easily even though I was graded a 0 in English and age marks, as God broke all immigration protocol for my sake. Join me to praise our Almighty God. Hallelujah! ~ Sister O. O. WCIE

I want to thank God for His faithfulness in my career. In August 2021, I decided it was time to move to my next level so I started applying for a new job. However, I was not receiving responses from employers despite meeting the requirements. On December 31, 2021, when Bishop Oyedepo made the declaration that 2022 will be a year of thankfulness and our year of More than a Conqueror, I held on to every declaration, engaged in the 21 days of prayer and fasting, and continued praying kingdom advancement prayers. I also thanked God in advance for my new job and on the last day of the 21 days of prayer and fasting, which was an Impartation Service, I came to church dressed exactly the way I wanted to appear for my interviews. I remembered the Resident Pastor saying that “as we give ourselves continually to prayers, everything that has messed up in the previous year will lose its hold” and I said a big AMEN. Beginning from January 31, 2022, the heavens opened and I began to get several interview invitations, which I attended and received job offers. At some point, I was overwhelmed. My husband and I prayed using Proverbs 10:22 that my choice “will make rich and add no sorrow”. I had to decline three job offers and several interview invitations, including a position I previously applied for and was rejected. I have come to return all the glory to God for His faithfulness and for promoting me to my next level. ~ Sis. D. D. WCIE

On the 1st of February 2022, one of my colleagues, while doing a random ultrasound found a hole in my heart! I was surprised and did not know how to react. As February was declared our month of Faith, I was excited that God had given me something to exercise my faith on. I started reading Understanding the Power of Faith by Bishop Oyedepo. I paid close attention to all the teachings during services and our WSF meetings. My husband prayed for me regularly with the mantle and administered the anointing oil.

I knew the possible complications that could have arisen as a result of the long-standing defect and whenever the thoughts would come to mind, I would reaffirm “my faith will not fail me”, and remained joyful. I also held on to the testimony that was shared earlier this year of the baby God healed the hole in her heart. I decided to go for an official full cardiac scan. When the result came back on the 22nd of February, to the glory of God, there were no recorded complications, the heart size and pressures were all normal, and the hole was said to be of questionable clinical significance. I return all the glory to God because he has kept me all my life without any symptoms or hospital admissions even while I was an athlete. Indeed, faith in God does not fail. Praise the Lord!!! ~ B. O. WCIE

Brethren I have returned to this alter of signs and wonders to give God the glory. The Lord blessed me earlier this year with a government job, specifically in my career which I loved with a passion. Things were going on well until the enemy interrupted, I had some issues at work that got worse every day. I emailed my manager that I wanted to chat about certain concerns, however, she ignored me. A few days later, my manager’s boss called me that he wanted to have a meeting with me the following morning. Fear and anxiety caught me immediately, for some reason I had the feeling that they were going to terminate my employment. I became tearful and was in a panic. So, I reached out to our Resident Pastor for divine intervention, he asked me to come to the altar of signs and wonders for prayers. I came to church that day and Pastor prayed for me. He anointed my forehead and said whether I am guilty or not the Lord will come through for me. He said go and praise God for his mercy and favour over your job. Then I stopped crying, my faith rose again. I went home recharged and praised God throughout the night. Brethren, the praise was sweet, the joy of the Lord came upon me as I was singing, dancing, shouting, jumping, clapping, and expressing gratitude to God.

It was morning time, and I was still praising, got ready, and went for the meeting. Unfortunately for me, my employment was terminated, I came home crying and told Pastor. He told me to wipe my tears and that God will come through for me as He has a better plan. The following day, my union representative called me to say my case will be investigated as she was not present during the termination meeting. After multiple phone calls and meetings, I was called today exactly one week after the incident to return to work. I was given the option to return to another location where my job was changed from part-time to full time and my salary was increased. Indeed, God works wonders through praise. ~ Sis. M. WCIE

I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission. A few weeks ago I noticed a lump on my left breast with so much pain, especially at night, but I held on to my Faith. I said to myself that my body is the temple of the Holy spirit so therefore I can’t be afflicted with cancer or whatever it’s called, it has no place in me. Every night I apply the anointing oil to my breast and place my mantle on it before going to bed. I didn’t see it as a prayer point instead every night I prayed kingdom Advancement prayers. I didn’t tell anyone or visit any Dr because I know that they will have something negative to tell me so I believed in God for my complete healing. On the last day of the spiritual week of Ephancies in February 2021, our Resident Pastor said during the communion that as you partake of this communion anything called cancer or whatever things that are not of God will be destroyed. I shouted Amen !!! With tears rolling down my eyes immediately I knew I was healed. After that I completely forgot about it until a few days later I realized that the pain is no longer there and the lump has disappeared. Indeed our God is a covenant-keeping God. Thank you, Lord Jesus! ~ Mrs. O. I. A. WCIE


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Winners Chapel Int'l Edmonton, Canada

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